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NaNoWriMo, anyone?

So it’s only September 22 and #nanowrimo doesn’t start for another 39 days but who’s counting?  But I’ve continued to work on the the novel I started some ten months back, which in truth is a storyline that began to take its shape back in 1983 when I was developing the backstory for my middle class Renaissance Faire personae.  Yep my peeps, it’s a bucket-list item — I always told myself that I would finish this dang thing and now I am committed to doing just that.  It’s original working tile was “Summer of Splendour” and now currently “Lament” and yes, I’ve gotten myself an editor [a fair trade for the Eleanora of Toledo gown] who is very excited about it and lots of doors have been opening.

Now two things to note:

First and dearest to my heart Foxes Period Costumes will make recreating all of our heroine’s note worthy gowns

Second, in doing some research for the novel, I decided “what the heck” and Googled the gentleman who played opposite to me at Faire and discovered that he too is a fledgling writer and oh yeah, he started writing at about the same time I did.  He’s published about a half dozen short fantasy story stories, which works out to my current word count.  For those who knew the both of us 25-30 years when we were a quasi-couple back in the day wouldn’t be too surprised but a little disturbed that we were doing the same thing at the same time …from opposite ends of the state.

So from my National Novel Writing Month’s novel recap page, I give you:



Exploring the natural evolution of two (very, very retired) Renaissance Faire characters in the form of your basic trashy historical romance novel — One part Skye O’Malley, one part Once Upon a Time.


Lady Katherine sighed deeply as she thought of the details of her life that had brought her to this place. She tucked her fur lined velvet throw tightly around her legs to help block out the cold night air. The roaring fire in the hearth did very little to keep her warm, but it was certainly warmer than where she would be headed in a few short hours to answer for her alleged crimes.

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